govt follies poem #77

Here’s another poem I printed in the Illinois Times, in my regular column of the letters page. I’ve never thought of myself as a poet so I just write what I want about happenings, memories, etc, and my style is limited to my space—a column’s width and not very long. I’ve followed John Knoepfle’s lead in using no punctuation or caps except when really necessary. Some caps are necessary in this poem about a transaction between myself and my daughter who teaches in a Wisconsin high school:
I recently sold my daughter my pickup
she changed title insurance got new
plates but didn’t bother to switch yet
there was still some illinois grace
period yesterday she opened the packet
found wisconsin had issued her
F U TRUCK she called me how can
I be a respectable high school reading
teacher driving F U TRUCK her friends
whoop think the state out of its mind no
surprise with government they’ll probably
change them if you ask but it’s a nuisance
I say why not fix a flap to hide the letters
when a cop stops you lift the leather ask
what he’d suggest or maybe get some paint
change the F to P the U to O then you’d be
P O TRUCK only piss off the post office
you’re F U full of good ideas says my kid

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